We'll give you rain,we'll give you Sun
We'll give your money a very good run
We'll half-lay roads, and half-build drains
And complete it when you vote for us again
We'll meet you when the elections are near
And forget about you for the rest of the years
We'll play songs of unity in the regional tongue
As our flyers are invariably filled with word-dung
To grab your attention,we'd do crazy things
Ride a donkey,set fireworks ablaze & even get an orchestra to sing
We'll block the cities arterial roads when we pass
Because we're not 'AAM ADMI' , but 'ADMI KHASS'
We'll promise to listen to you when we can,
Except when we're flying out to the US or Japan
because 'Bilateral Diplomacy' is such a beautiful term
because You spend for the ticket & We have the fun
We'll stand and watch, until you come to us
About water, electricity or even the rising price of cooking gas
And we'll tell you that the higher authorities are yet to agree
About spending the money they promised your constituency
We dont really care whether you do know us
But soon you'll see us in the papers
We'll be looking important with our swanky cars
And we'll place your problems in a pickle jar
We are politicians, and we represent you
Vote for us, and we'll leave the sky blue
Some of us experienced, some of us new
Some of us know our jobs...most of us don't have a clue...
Jai Hind !!!