Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Origin of Thought

Hold that thought...

Let it linger.Let it take its space,irrespective of whether it deserves it or not.Let it flow.Let it run wild.Let it tame itself.Let it grow.Let it spawn...Smile when it runs down memory lane, cry when it hits a dead end & cant climb over it.Entertain the idea of growth.See its potential. Seek its core. Scream when its redundant...enjoy the patternless ride.Jump aboard its illusiveness and if you have to take a moment to thank yourself for it.

You gave it life in an inanimate world of dead thoughts, that circle and clog your reason.You brought forth a concept that's new, yet logical because of its roots.You seem perfectly all right with it, and so should the world.

You take it up upon yourself to extend the thought, and more join the cluster.They swarm and make a hive with thoughts so sweet.Sweeter than all those ironies & innuendos that people always have as "ready wit". No: this is sweeter.

You don't have to answer anyone about why your ideas are amok or why they follow a ritualistic pattern.Anarchism to the degree, when its transformed into a discipline. No: its not an oxymoron...imagine: if everyone saw the beauty. An Idea. A splendid one. One without purpose, yet with a roll to break the monotony.

A third of a second passes, yet you shoot down the reality checks, and you let it remain, despite your "advisers". You wait. You patiently wait, until it bears fruit, except here:its a new perspective. Its a new high, and a new zenith.

You dream on. There are no encounters with people whom you dislike.Everyone here is someone who is shaping your world.One mistaken incident at a time.One displced notion after another & most importantly one leg of emotions after the next.You see them now as those who broke your Blinders. And the idea gets stronger. You have given it a boost towards a moral understanding. Slowly a spiritual angle can take place, but you don't have to entertain it, because this is YOUR thought.

You have a world of your own, and everyone there is your friend.The idea grows from a thought. And it does because you let it.

Sunday, 17 May 2009

My Computer....pattar pattar....

My Patience Tester
My Patience Builder
My Time Consuming
Near-Backwards-Running Computer

Agreed you're Pops is Babbage
But you're just as worse a Cabbage
You'll feel at home with the Garbage
And I hope you'll Rott even after Oldage (this is soooooooo childish)

You've strained my eyes
You've stopped playing any music
You're affected by so many virus
It just fits the discription of "tragic"

OS Re-installations & that of Driver Disks
Software Environment Re-Setups & all the fun I have missed
Low Disk Space,Errors & Virtual Memory Is Low
How much more, Dear Computer,do I have to put up with you

You can't connect to the Internet
And you just can't play CDs
To make it worse You don't seem to understand
what the hell was a Double Click !!

You cant be fixed By Norton
Or even by Kaspersky
Avg's given up hope
And I cant renew my Avast Registration Key !!

80 GB Harddisk
256 (SD)Ram
No graphics Card,No Card Reader
You're just such a scam...

I loved you when you first came
You as a machine was perfected
You were the only one
In the neighbourhood that could play NFS: Most Wanted

Photoshop Scratch Disks are Always Full
The modem lights refuse to blink
I have a seperate table fan to cool you down,
Man, by all standards you Stink !!

Samsung Mosue
& CRT monitor
Logitec Keyboard
& 2.1 Altec Lansing Speakers

These above mentioned parts
are the only ones which work
Maybe cuz they are independent of you

You've made me clench my fists
and almost pour water at you
Maybe I should have, but then I wont...
You wanna know why: just continue to read on...

You helped me create designs on PS
You allowed me to move music to my phone
You were the only system available
when I had to get my projects done.

You've brought me closer to people
and that's something beyond me...
I could reach Anywhere in India,The States,Oz & The Gulf...
And talk them for the longest time

You've stayed up those long hours with me
when I've had Lofty Ideas & helped give them Wings
Those experimenst with Softwares and Music
and the Video-Conversion Things

You're not my Best Friend
But you sure are my Savior (at times)
My patince Builder:My Fist un-clencher
My dear Near-backwards Running Computer :)


The Application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000022). Click on OK to terminate the application


A lil while later....