Monday, 29 October 2007

I'm BACK !!!!!!!! Run for cover....

It’s been a while... I know.... But like wine, the good things in life are to be slow....
Anyway for all that you know, I'm still thinking about what to do with this blog that I started just for the heck of it.
It’s been an interesting vacation from the blogging world (and no I am not a professional blogger and have a consultancy for amateur bloggers, as I my style of expressions reasonably demand your imagination to see me as)
For starters, have you organized a concert?
Have you watched your teachers get married and leave college, after 3 farewells?
Have you had a family member in a cardiac issue, but seen him pull through amongst all odds and still smile at you when walk into his house and look at him through his room?
Have you started playing the grand piano, and sucked at it so bad, that you wonder what your instructor is going through? (I think I've gotten better now)
Have you grown your hair, and cut it off a time most suitable for shocking your immediate environment...?
I have.... Been there, done that....

Seeing life as someone who is getting ready to kick off life with both feet firm on stands, (and with an angle of humor to everything) I have tried to figure out why fishes don’t have necks and why the Italians don’t have a fusili collection (contributed by Sam Pereira : without his knowledge)

Life has taken such un-whatever turns for me, that now I’m prepared to be unprepared for everything.... It’s nice to be surprised, don't you think?

Well life isn't something we must speak off with the same tone of discussing your previous day's dentist's appointment: Painful, but pleasant later....

My friends who expect me to start writing again....well, I'll try to be more regular henceforth, but If I can't: I don't care, Its my blog.... :)

Still reading? Dear god! I must make a note about this on my reminder book: [wonder why people still reading your stuff....] :)

Well so long you can aim for that red X at the top right end corner....

P.s: Do you now how a dog listens to music?
Ans: It uses a nai-pod :)

Friday, 20 July 2007

Blog Number : Von !!!

Forgive the title, its not his fault. I made him do it !

As I kept wondering if I do need a blog, I remembered that I have a job (which I am not paying heed to) and I was to get back to it....soon [I will be happy to say that 'soon' isn't a quantified measure of time and continue to rattle]

Well I finally decided to start my own blog for reasons as obvious as the next!!! In my haste to run for president, and eat some real good andhra meals (with my foodie partner Om), I forgot to mention: My name is on the left side... Just so you know....

I am a trained assasin, who can kill you with just words ! Ha !
You see the knowledge of oriental names of martial arts is for free usage and I prefer not to mention my favorite amongst the 356 names which I know.

You must be wondering, who does this egoistic dude think he is...
My split half personality agrees with you...Honest,infact he's the one who is typing this line ! :)

Well my hobbies and cars will not attract anybody for the moment, because I still have to sign Bradd Pitt for my movie (maybe I could meet Angelina Jolie at the same time) [grinnn]

Arrivederci to all those who are already pointing the mouse pointer at the red X on the top right end corner of this window, and Bon Appetit to the rest !!


P.s: Gramatical errors is to ensure that I don't win a noble prize for Literature (in any langauge)